| Associated Press
KIRKERSVILLE, Ohio -- Results Sunday from the Pontiac
Excitement Nationals presented by Summit Racing at National Trail
Raceway. The $1.9 million race is the 11th of 23 events in the $45
million NHRA Winston Drag Racing Series:
1. Tony Schumacher; 2. Joe Amato; 3. Kenny Bernstein; 4. Gary
Scelzi; 5. Larry Dixon; 6. Bob Vandergriff; 7. David Grubnic; 8.
Cory McClenathan; 9. Doug Herbert; 10. Rhonda Hartman-Smith; 11.
Doug Kalitta; 12. Chris Karamesines; 13. Bobby Lagana; 14. Bobby
Baldwin; 15. Don Lampus; 16. Steve Smith.
1. Tony Pedregon, Ford Mustang; 2. Jerry Toliver, Pontiac
Firebird; 3. Jim Epler, Chevy Camaro; 4. Scotty Cannon, Camaro; 5.
Bruce Sarver, Firebird; 6. Frank Pedregon, Firebird; 7. Ron Capps,
Camaro; 8. Dean Skuza, Dodge Avenger; 9. Whit Bazemore, Camaro; 10.
John Force, Mustang; 11. Todd Paton, Camaro; 12. Al Hofmann,
Firebird; 13. Tim Wilkerson, Firebird; 14. Del Worsham, Firebird;
15. Cory Lee, Avenger; 16. John Lawson, Firebird.
1. Mark Pawuk, Pontiac Firebird; 2. Ron Krisher, Firebird; 3.
Jeg Coughlin, Oldsmobile Cutlass; 4. Allen Johnson, Dodge Avenger;
5. Kurt Johnson, Chevy Camaro; 6. Warren Johnson, Firebird; 7.
Richie Stevens, Firebird; 8. Danny Coffman, Firebird; 9. Troy
Coughlin, Cutlass; 10. Bruce Allen, Firebird; 11. Mike Thomas,
Firebird; 12. Mark Osborne, Firebird; 13. Rickie Smith, Camaro; 14.
Brad Jeter, Firebird; 15. Jim Yates, Firebird; 16. Tom Martino,
1. Angelle Seeling, Suzuki; 2. Tony Mullen, Suzuki; 3. Antron
Brown, Suzuki; 4. David Schultz, Suzuki; 5. Matt Hines, Suzuki; 6.
Shawn Gann, Suzuki; 7. Geno Scali, Suzuki; 8. Craig Treble, Suzuki;
9. Rob Short, Kawasaki; 10. Clarence Markham, Suzuki; 11. Ron
Ayers, Suzuki; 12. Brian DeLong, Suzuki; 13. Brian Ayers, Suzuki;
14. Hector Arana, Suzuki; 15. Joe DeSantis, Suzuki; 16. Reggie
Showers, Suzuki.
1. Randy Daniels, Chevy S-10; 2. Bob Panella Jr, S-10; 3. Brian
Self, S-10; 4. Steven Farr, S-10; 5. Mike Coughlin, S-10; 6. John
Coughlin, S-10; 7. Steve Johns, S-10; 8. Jeff Gracia, S-10; 9. John
Lingenfelter, GMC Sonoma; 10. Larry Seay, S-10; 11. Greg Stanfield,
S-10; 12. Mark Whisnant, S-10; 13. Ruben Celedon, S-10; 14. Todd
Patterson, Dodge Dakota; 15. Rick Jones, Sonoma; 16. Taylor Lastor,
Finals results
Tony Schumacher, 4.648 seconds, 316.15 mph def. Joe Amato, 5.165
seconds, 178.10 mph.
Tony Pedregon, Ford Mustang, 4.893, 316.08 def. Jerry Toliver,
Pontiac Firebired, 4.876, 301.20.
Mark Pawuk, Pontiac Firebird, 6.980, 197.33 def. Ron Krisher,
Pontiac Firebird, 6.975, 197.51.
Angelle Seeling, Suzuki, 7.196, 182.28 def. Tony Mullen, Suzuki,
7.281, 183.00.
Randy Daniels, Chevy S-10, 7.554, 178.42 def. Bob Panella Jr,
Chevy S-10, 7.546, 178.00.
Round-by-round results
Round One
David Grubnic, 4.745, 304.94 def. Doug Herbert, 4.768, 309.34;
Kenny Bernstein, 4.870, 297.09 def. Don Lampus, 11.974, 59.52;
Larry Dixon, 4.733, 298.47 def. Doug Kalitta, 5.050, 204.79; Bob
Vandergriff, 4.652, 310.84 def. Bobby Lagana, 5.480, 186.51; Gary Scelzi, 4.661, 297.16 def. Chris Karamesines, 5.371, 270.97; Cory McClenathan, 4.628, 313.22 def. Steve Smith, broke; Joe Amato, 4.665, 315.56 def. Bobby Baldwin, 9.138, 90.24; Tony Schumacher, 4.679, 315.19 def. Rhonda Hartman-Smith, 4.857,
Amato, 4.622, 315.19 def. Dixon, 4.679, 313.66; Schumacher,
4.702, 315.56 def. McClenathan, 5.551, 163.43; Bernstein, 4.701,
315.05 def. Vandergriff, 4.741, 300.20; Scelzi, 4.599, 315.27 def.
Grubnic, 4.764, 300.33.
Schumacher, 4.696, 314.61 def. Bernstein, 4.758, 256.26; Amato,
4.626, 309.20 def. Scelzi, 7.309, 125.08.
Schumacher, 4.648, 316.15 def. Amato, 5.165, 178.10.
Round One
Jerry Toliver, Pontiac Firebird, 4.941, 304.80 def. John Force,
Ford Mustang, 5.016, 303.23; Ron Capps, Chevy Camaro, 4.916, 304.12
def. John Lawson, Firebird, 10.426, 83.18; Jim Epler, Camaro,
5.003, 307.30 def. Tim Wilkerson, Firebird, 5.771, 181.50; Dean
Skuza, Dodge Avenger, 4.970, 309.42 def. Whit Bazemore, Camaro,
4.956, 306.95; Tony Pedregon, Mustang, 4.984, 314.53 def. Cory Lee, Avenger,
7.980, 113.53; Scotty Cannon, Camaro, 4.915, 311.13 def. Todd
Paton, Camaro, 5.039, 287.11; Bruce Sarver, Firebird, 5.127, 258.57
def. Al Hofmann, Firebird, 5.432, 185.79; Frank Pedregon, Firebird,
5.093, 296.44 def. Del Worsham, Firebird, 6.677, 134.52.
Cannon, 4.975, 304.74 def. Capps, 7.057, 119.98; Toliver, 4.923,
304.60 def. Sarver, 4.951, 302.89; T. Pedregon, 5.253, 256.94 def.
Skuza, 10.885, 86.61; Epler, 4.971, 294.75 def. F. Pedregon, 5.013,
Toliver, 4.848, 309.42 def. Cannon, 15.054, 69.65; T. Pedregon,
5.081, 314.31 def. Epler, 5.939, 163.16.
T. Pedregon, 4.893, 316.08 def. Toliver, 4.876, 301.20.
Round One
Mark Pawuk, Pontiac Firebird, 7.005, 195.85 def. Bruce Allen,
Firebird, 7.008, 195.70; Kurt Johnson, Chevy Camaro, 6.980, 196.36
def. Jim Yates, Firebird, foul; Danny Coffman, Firebird, 7.054,
194.94 def. Rickie Smith, Camaro, 7.620, 139.13; Allen Johnson,
Dodge Avenger, 14.403, 56.94 def. Tom Martino, Firebird, foul; Richie Stevens, Firebird, 7.036, 193.93 def. Troy Coughlin, Oldsmobile Cutlass, 7.007, 194.63; Warren Johnson, Firebird, 6.966, 197.39 def. Brad Jeter, Firebird, 8.424, 110.83; Jeg Coughlin, Cutlass, 6.959, 196.82 def. Mark Osborne, Firebird, 7.040, 194.44;
Ron Krisher, Firebird, 6.905, 197.83 def. Mike Thomas, Firebird,
7.020, 195.68.
A. Johnson, 6.985, 196.16 def. Stevens, 7.023, 193.88; Pawuk,
6.957, 196.99 def. W. Johnson, 6.975, 197.19; J. Coughlin, 6.949,
197.33 def. Coffman, foul; Krisher, 6.926, 198.38 def. K. Johnson,
6.942, 197.42.
Pawuk, 6.956, 197.62 def. A. Johnson, 6.971, 196.22; Krisher,
6.916, 197.94 def. J. Coughlin, 6.952, 198.00.
Pawuk, 6.980, 197.33 def. Krisher, 6.975, 197.51.
Round One
Shawn Gann, Suzuki, 7.436, 176.95 def. Hector Arana, Suzuki,
8.100, 179.54; Craig Treble, Suzuki, 7.322, 181.67 def. Joe
DeSantis, Suzuki, 12.562, 47.18; Matt Hines, Suzuki, 7.360, 166.99
def. Ron Ayers, Suzuki, 7.496, 176.24; Antron Brown, Suzuki, 7.352,
177.88 def. Rob Short, Kawasaki, 7.477, 179.68; Angelle Seeling, Suzuki, 7.285, 175.82 def. Brian DeLong, Suzuki, 7.508, 176.60; David Schultz, Suzuki, 7.344, 179.92 def. Brian Ayers, Suzuki, 7.625, 174.12; Tony Mullen, Suzuki, 7.318,
182.11 def. Clarence Markham, Suzuki, 7.495, 175.64; Geno Scali,
Suzuki, 7.449, 178.68 def. Reggie Showers, Suzuki, broke.
Schultz, 7.312, 176.86 def. Scali, 7.436, 175.11; Brown, 7.339,
169.1 7 def. Treble, broke; Mullen, 7.334, 181.79 def. Gann, 7.417,
178.05; Seeling, 7.246, 178.87 def. Hines, foul.
Mullen, 7.319, 182.33 def. Schultz, 7.452, 179.61; Seeling,
7.235, 181.18 def. Brown, 7.333, 182.75.
Seeling, 7.196, 182.28 def. Mullen, 7.281, 183.00.
Round One
Jeff Gracia, Chevy S-10, 7.629, 176.10 def. John Lingenfelter,
GMC Sonoma, 7.612, 174.68; Steve Johns, S-10, 7.692, 176.19 def.
Todd Patterson, Dodge Dakota, 7.718, 172.32; Brian Self, S-10,
7.611, 175.87 def. Greg Stanfield, S-10, 7.632, 176.42; John
Coughlin, S-10, 7.609, 176.14 def. Rick Jones, Sonoma, 7.869,
169.27; Steven Farr, S-10, 7.634, 176.28 def. Mark Whisnant, S-10,
7.668, 175.94; Mike Coughlin, S-10, 7.599, 176.33 def. Ruben
Celedon, S-10, 7.684, 175.07; Bob Panella Jr, S-10, 7.558, 177.32
def. Taylor Lastor, S-10, 11.723, 73.94; Randy Daniels, S-10,
7.566, 177.91 def. Larry Seay, S-10, 7.619, 175.57.
Farr, 7.617, 176.44 def. J. Coughlin, 7.607, 176.07; Self,
7.598, 176.65 def. M. Coughlin, 7.575, 176.79; Daniels, 7.538,
178.54 def. Johns, 7.618, 176.97; Panella Jr, 7.567, 177.11 def.
Gracia, 7.642, 176.58.
Panella Jr, 7.554, 177.67 def. Farr, 7.642, 176.58; Daniels,
7.565, 178.24 def. Self, 7.613, 176.49.
Daniels, 7.554, 178.42 def. Panella Jr, 7.546, 178.00.
Point standings
1. Gary Scelzi, 876; 2. Tony Schumacher, 844; 3. Larry Dixon,
792; 4. Kenny Bernstein, 676; 5. Joe Amato, 651; 6. Doug Kalitta,
519; 7. Cory McClenathan, 501; 8. Doug Herbert, 410; 9. David
Grubnic, 380; 10. Don Lampus, 377.
1. Jerry Toliver, 837; 2. John Force, 826; 3. Ron Capps, 731; 4.
Tony Pedregon, 723; 5. Jim Epler, 555; 6. Scotty Cannon, 459; 7.
Dean Skuza, 446; 8. Del Worsham, 415; 9. Whit Bazemore, 404; 10.
Frank Pedregon, 400.
1. Jeg Coughlin, 937; 2. Warren Johnson, 653; 3. Ron Krisher,
645; 4. Troy Coughlin, 583; 5. Mark Pawuk, 580; 6. Kurt Johnson,
526; 7. Jim Yates, 522; 8. Richie Stevens, 505; 9. Bruce Allen,
468; 10. Tom Martino, 452.
1. Angelle Seeling, 577; 2. David Schultz, 498; 3. Matt Hines,
479; 4. Tony Mullen, 454; 5. Antron Brown, 409; 6. Craig Treble,
362; 7. Geno Scali, 280; 8. Shawn Gann, 192; 9. (tie) Ron Ayers,
189; Blaine Hale, 189; Brian Ayers, 189.
1. Bob Panella Jr, 802; 2. Randy Daniels, 788; 3. Greg
Stanfield, 514; 4. John Coughlin, 425; 5. Steve Johns, 409; 6.
Brian Self, 398; 7. Rick Jones, 382; 8. Mike Coughlin, 343; 9. Jeff
Gracia, 339; 10. John Lingenfelter, 320. | |
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