Tuesday, Sept. 21
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Steve Pate says the excitement of the crowds will rub off on the players. |
At the time, I really thought I was going to be back on the team regularly. In the mid-'90s, though, I was really wondering whether I would ever get the chance again. I had a lot of injuries, which you might know about if you've followed my career. Now that I'm back on the team, well, I guess there's definitely an appreciation. When you attain something that you at one time think might never happen again, it's pretty special.
There's really nothing in golf like the Ryder Cup. You really don't know how big of a deal until you get here. Going into 1991, I thought I knew. But I had no clue. I'm thinking, 'Well, it's going to be a little different than what I'm used to, but how different?'
A lot different. I realized that early in the week at Kiawah Island when there were 25,000 people cheering simple little wedge shots during the practice rounds. They were going crazy, cheering and chanting. Looking around today here at The Country Club, I mean it's unbelievable. There are people everywhere. They're excited, and it can't help but rub off on you when you're out there.
It's really an honor to be playing on this team. It means you're playing well in the year-and-a-half coming in to the matches, plus you're representing your country. That's a big deal to me. You really don't understand until you hear the Star Spangled Banner during the opening ceremonies and realize this is a little different. You're part of a team, not just playing for yourself. I love that.
I also love the format, which I'm into. I like match play. It's a different mindset. Every hole, it's win or lose. You can get away with having a bad hole here and there. Just don't have too many.
While the Ryder Cup is different, I'm trying not to do anything different as far as my game. I have to look at it that way. Hit the same shots like I would hit them any other week. If you try to do anything different, then it's pretty clear it won't matter because you're probably in trouble anyway. It wouldn't do much good to try anything new because it'll screw you up. For me, I'm going to do the same things I always do. Try and play the same way I have been because that's what got me here in the first place.
A lot of friends and family are coming in this week, but I won't see too much of them. This is all about the team. We're going to spend a lot of time together. We ate together last night at the Union Oyster House, which was great. Just the team. We ate a lot of shellfish and drank a few beers.
Tonight, we're off to an event where we have to wear a suit. That's a telling sign when you have to wear a suit. You know it's just not going to be the team, but some kind of function. When they tell you to wear a suit, look out.
The place we're staying is pretty awesome. The hotel is really taking good care of us. The team room is spectacular. It's just a place where we can hang out and relax, get away from it all and be together. I really think it's important to be around each other and spend time as a team. It can only help as we get ready to go up against the European team Friday.
Wednesday, I'll head out to the course again. I also have a session with the media, plus I'll be out on the range hitting more balls and getting ready. I'll talk to you then.