L.A. officials tell fans to celebrate 'responsibly'
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES -- The Lakers' championship last year was
heralded by purple confetti and a mini-riot. As the team closes in
on a second straight NBA title, officials are downplaying victory
celebration plans and urging fans to play it cool.
Thousands of purple and yellow Lakers flags waved from car
windows and fans lined up to buy tickets to watch Game 5 on the
Staples Center's giant screens. Yet Los Angeles is anything but a
picture of giddy glee.
Violence last year has police urging sober responsibility and
City Hall officials crossing their fingers.
"We are really encouraging people to celebrate -- this is a
great event for the city -- but responsibly," police Lt. Horace
Frank said.
A TV public service announcement with that warning was filmed
Wednesday at Staples Center. It features Police Chief Bernard Parks
wearing a Lakers hat and jersey.
"The message was celebrate loud and legal," said Michael Roth,
a spokesman for Staples.
Outside the downtown arena, the huge Jumbotron screen was to
remain blank during Friday's game against the 76ers in
Philadelphia. Stadium and police officials decided not to broadcast
away games to avoid luring a large crowd like the one that set
fires and smashed cars after the deciding game last year.
Extra police have kept watch outside the arena during home
games, and will be on alert when Game 5, which could decide the
championship, is played.
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