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Thursday, January 17
Updated: January 23, 4:51 PM ET
Users: Wolves, not Kings, should be No. 1


We had a tough decision to make with the Power Rankings this week. We knew the Lakers would leave the top spot, and the only two choices for No. 1 were the Kings, the No. 2 team that won its only game of the week, and the Wolves, the No. 4 team that mauled the Lakers. We chose to reward the Kings, who had done nothing wrong and thus couldn't have a team jump ahead of them.

However, many, many of you disagreed. That's fine. We welcomed the many responses from Wolves fans. We also received a few on other squads, but this week it's pretty much all about the Kings and Wolves fighting it out for supremacy. Enjoy.

Wally Szczerbiak
Szczerbiak is a solid No. 2 scorer behind Garnett.

Who is No. 1?
Kings team page
Wolves team page
The Kings ahead of the Wolves? The Wolves POUND a healthy Lakers squad without three key players, and beat the Sonics, Wiz and Detroit with the Kings watching all week? Oh, wait -- the Kings did beat the Suns by a monster three points at Arco arena, my bad. I guess I am wrong, the Kings had a better week than the Wolves. Here is a hint for you guys: Kings -- 21 home games, Wolves 18. Same record, who is better?


You people are pathetic! Who did the Kings beat in a hard week's work? The Suns, and only by three lousy points. Now tell me this, who did the Timberwolves beat? I'll answer that for you. A streaking Seattle team, an improved Wizards team on the road, and the team that the media has already handed the title out to for the third straight season, the L.A. Lakers. We all know how much you want to put the Kings on top, but let's be reasonable. The T-Wolves have won eight in a row without the help of two of their stars (Terrell Brandon and Joe Smith). They also don't get the luxury of preparing a full week for a single team.

Mesa, Ariz.

It took long enough for you guys to actually get around to placing the Kings at the No. 1 spot. Interestingly enough, you put our boys at No. 1 when they have a week off. I would like to think that maybe the Kings are finally getting the respect they've earned, but that ain't the truth -- ESPN.com had front page articles when the Lakers, Spurs, Mavs, and T-Wolves went on winning streaks, and the Kings don't even get a side headline when they win 10 straight and knock off the Lakers for the best record in the league.

Face the truth: the city of Sacramento deserves a championship more than any other NBA city. One No. 1 ranking is not enough. Give us a headline. Show some love!

Jamal Lang

You guys have to be kidding me! How could you rank the Kings above the Wolves? First of all KG and Co. have just won back-to-back games during the weekend. They beat two excellent teams, namely the Wizards and the Lakers. Second, is that they did this feat shorthanded. I know the Kings miss their starting point guard in Mike Bibby but the Wolves are playing without two of their starters and a key sixth man. I'm sorry to challenge your judgement but this is the truth. Minnesota is playing the best basketball in the league right now.


I'm a diehard Wolves fan! I really enjoyed watching them beat up the Lakers last Friday. Although disappointed, I think the new rankings are an accurate portrayal of the caliber of teams in the league. Besides, who was their last loss to, anyway ... oh yeah.

Minneapolis, Minn.

OK, here is a thought. Just put my Lakers back on top and leave them where they belong. The other "wannabes" are only a hot for now. The Lakers will be the most consistent in the long run, have the best record, will three-peat, and Kobe will be the MVP. Take that to the bank.

Scott McGuinness
Crown Point, NY

Well, right now I would have to agree with you that the Sacramento Kings are playing the best basketball in the league and are the only real legitimate threat at beating the Lakers in a seven-game series. I think the Kings are THE best TEAM in the NBA bar none. Yeah, the Lakers might have two superstars that get them to the level that they're at, but as an overall team the Kings are so complete. They go 9-10 deep. They play unselfish, fun basketball as a team and the crazy thing is they've all yet to "click" together as a team and they're 29-7. When that does happen, look out NBA, it could be a pretty amazing thing with that much offensive fire power without much selfishness. So as of lately I agree with ya that the Kings are No. 1 for right now being winners of 10 straight! Way to go!

P.S. By the way, the Mavs are great now, but won't get past the 2nd round of the playoffs, due to lack of defense and low post presence!

Jerrel Mills
Granite Bay, Calif.

How aren't the Wolves No. 1? After Wally showed Kobe how it is when a team plays together, the Wolves have been absolutely the best team in the league for weeks. Take into account the fact they are minus one Terrell Brandon, their starting point guard, and one Joe Smith. The Kings have been good, but no one has been better than the Wolves! Any consideration for Wally in the all-star game?

St. Paul, Minn.

Believe it or not, other teams

We hit the top 5!
Nets team page
Finally, the Nets get enough respect to break into the top 5! The Eastern Conference is turned upside-down, and I love it! The Nets have what the Knicks need -- a GM who's smart enough to get a pure point guard in Jason Kidd (Stephon who?) and a true center to fill the lane in Todd MacCulloch (who'dve thunk!?). Don't sleep on the Nets 'cause they're for real!

Brooklyn, NY

There should be no one doubting that New Jersey belongs among the top five teams in the NBA. They are one of the few teams in the league without a single truly weak position on the court. Compare this to the Western Conference teams that rely so greatly on only two or three players to score all their points, then just count on the rest of their team to pick up a couple rebounds, get the odd putback, and play some defense. The Nets are a team that lack such glaring weaknesses.

Nathan Jessen
Kearney, Neb.

Knicks are done
Knicks team page
Thank you for finally ranking the Knicks as lottery bound. The sooner people realize that the Knicks are not a playoff team the sooner we can start rebuilding. The Ewing era is long gone, Van Gundy is gone, and the current roster is not winning any championships. The management needs to make some good trades, not trades just for the sake of it, and hopefully we will get lucky in the lottery.

Abdel Sumrein
Middlebury, Vt.

The day that my Knicks are ranked below the Grizzlies is the day that a Paulie Shore movie becomes funny. Stick a fork in their season because they are done.

Henry Edouard

Morbid fascination
Cavs team page
Paying attention to the Cavs is beginning to require a morbid fascination. I want to tear myself away, but I just can't. I find myself thinking that maybe this will be the night that Andre Miller busts loose, that Ilgauskas' feet heal, or that Chris Mihm understands that fouls are bad.

If only the Gunds would give a shady loan to Bud Selig...

Dan Gelfand
Washington, D.C.

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