Each spring whitetail bucks begin the process of growing a new set of antlers. Biologists term this process antlergenesis. It is extremely draining on the buck's body and skeletal system as it struggles to obtain the needed protein, calcium, and other necessary nutrients to grow antlers. During the initial growth stage of velvet antlers, the habitat is often depleted and stressed from heavy browse pressure and lack of new growth. Good quality forage is at a premium for both bucks and does with fawns. A steady diet of high quality protein that is easily digested is essential in maximizing antler and fawn development.
BioLogic's BioMass is good management tool that offers a high quality protein food source through the spring and summer months. No whitetail manager can accomplish goals without quality spring/summer forages. (It's the secret to the Midwest monster whitetails lots of agriculture; which means lots of high protein food sources.)